Monday, April 29, 2024

I hate not being able to work.

Sweetie had her first chat with someone in Marketing at her largest writing client today. She could not get a commitment as to whether or not she will be contracted for the 24-25 season, and although we are both choosing to be hopeful about how the discussion went, I admit that I am nervous for her and for us.

I went on Craigslist to look at part time job listings.

It’s pretty tough. They want delivery drivers, Pre-K teachers and  who can lift, carry and drive. I looked at a couple of office listings and they want someone who is waaaaay more computer-literate than I am AND who has a vehicle and clean driving record (both construction-oriented companies). I found a writing gig that I will check out, though they want a pretty steady content output (daily, minimum 500 words, on topics and in style of their designation) and I worry I cannot type that long each day.

In short, I am feeling pretty useless these days and between all the medical things and my highly outdated skills, I cannot figure out how on earth I would qualify to do even a half-time job.

Sweetie doesn’t know I went looking on CL — the last time she found I’d done that she scolded me and told me to stop because it would just make me (and her) crazy.

But DAMN. The things I used to be able to do, where they’d be glad to have my know-how, I cannot do with my body anymore.

I can’t even go downtown or to the airport and busk. 

It’s highly frustrating, and a little scary.

She was asked to send the client a copy of last year’s contract and a couple other things. She likely won’t hear back before mid-May. I am breathing fully and counting slowly to ten a lot so as not to stress her out further. We’re fine for now and the bills are paid, and SNAP and Medicaid take a load off, but things can change in an instant. 

It’s weird thinking I’d found things I could do nearly forever and suddenly not being able to do them.

Meanwhile, any decision on my disability claim is likely months off.

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